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Kelda heeft haar 1e nestje

  • Nicole und Vitani

    Hoi Eric,

    hier weiter Informationen.




    Ich gehe doch davon aus Eric, dass Ihr auch das Blut von eueren fünf Lundehund nach Deutschland zur TiHo geschickt habt. Natürlich habt ihr eueren Welpenkäufern dies auch empfohlen.

    Liebe Grüße


  • higlyn

    I hope you do not mind me jumping in here. I have had 2 Lundehunds endoscopied, biopsies. One was mild and mild Intestinal Bowel Disease Intestinal Lymphangiectasia and The Other Dog, the biopsies showed food intolerances.

    In having my two fat lundehunds Treated At The University Teaching Hospital Veterinary top undergraduate Who Have Taught procedures internist at the University Hospital Oslo fat, I was told That with "Boxer Colitis (Boxers with intestinal problems), for years the fat mistreated illness, That thinking it was caused by an overactive immune system. But They now know That the cause is a bacteria, E Coli.

    In my opinion, there hasn't leg enough research to know the cause / trigger for what Lundehunds Some Signed Not all dogs with stomach / intestinal problems possessions IL, at least my two dogs According To That I had endoscopied.

    Personally for me, I Would Hate to Have nice healthy dogs who are culled from the gene pool Because a relative had digestive problems and then we find out the trigger Perhaps That Could Be Similar To What Causes "Boxer Colitis.

    Gertie and Eric, congratulations on your litter! 5 puppies, That is wonderful!

    Lynn and “Uncle Chaschu”